Viser nå: Hejaz - Postfrimerker (1916 - 1919) - 16 frimerker.

[Ancient Prayer Niche - El Amri Mosque, Qus, Egypt, type A] [Ancient Prayer Niche - El Amri Mosque, Qus, Egypt, type A1]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
1 A 1Pia - 16.36 16.36 - USD  Info
1A A1 1Pia - 218 218 - USD  Info
1B A2 1Pia - 1308 1308 - USD  Info
1916 Page of Koran - El Sultan Barquq Mosque, Cairo

10. September VM: Ingen Perforering: 12

[Page of Koran - El Sultan Barquq Mosque, Cairo, type B]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
2 B ½Pia - 54.52 43.62 - USD  Info
1916 Carved Door Panels - El Salih Talay, Cairo

3. October VM: Ingen Perforering: 12

[Carved Door Panels - El Salih Talay, Cairo, type C]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
3 C ¼Pia - 54.52 43.62 - USD  Info
3A C1 ¼Pia - 218 109 - USD  Info
1916 As No. 1-3 - Different Perforation

23. December VM: Ingen Perforering: Rouletted 20

[As No. 1-3 - Different Perforation, type C2] [As No. 1-3 - Different Perforation, type B1] [As No. 1-3 - Different Perforation, type A3]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
4 C2 ¼Pia - 8.72 1.64 - USD  Info
5 B1 ½Pia - 8.72 1.64 - USD  Info
6 A3 1Pia - 8.72 1.64 - USD  Info
4‑6 - 26.16 4.92 - USD 
1917 Koran Design for a Tomb

5. February VM: Ingen Perforering: Rouletted 20

[Koran Design for a Tomb, type D]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
7 D ⅛Pia - 4.36 1.64 - USD  Info
1917 New Designs and New Values

VM: Ingen Perforering: Rouletted 13

[New Designs and New Values, type E] [New Designs and New Values, type D1] [New Designs and New Values, type C3] [New Designs and New Values, type B2] [New Designs and New Values, type A4] [New Designs and New Values, type F]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
8 E 1Pa - 5.45 1.64 - USD  Info
9 D1 ⅛Pia - 5.45 2.18 - USD  Info
10 C3 ¼Pia - 5.45 2.18 - USD  Info
11 B2 ½Pia - 5.45 3.27 - USD  Info
12 A4 1Pia - 5.45 3.27 - USD  Info
13 F 2Pia - 32.71 13.08 - USD  Info
8‑13 - 59.96 25.62 - USD 


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